800m run
10 Power Snatches (135/95)
3 Rounds
April 13, 2018
April 12, 2018
“Inner Hamstring Opener 3×5 (long inhale on descent)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL2RAFOa1CE&t=109sSWOD (16 min)
Week 3/4 Linear Progression Phase
Deadlift: Work up to a tough 5, Then, 2 x 5 @ 90% of the tough 5 (beat last week)WOD: (12 …
April 11, 2018
Skill: Double Under Practice w/drills from coach or Make up M-W SWOD
12 Front Rack DB Reverse Lunges (30/20)
100m DB Mixed Carry*
12 DB Renegade Rows**
4 Rounds for time
*One DB Racked, Other Overhead
**Pushup row, … -
April 10, 2018
External Oblique Opener 3 x 10 Pulses
SWOD: Week 8 Clean and Jerk Progression Testing(20 min)
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
20 Cal Row
4 Rounds
4 Scores, one for each round
April 10, 2018
SWOD (16 min)
Week 3
A. Muscle Snatch 4×3 (Focus on technique not load, UNSCORED)
B. EMOM 10 min
Minutes 1-3: Snatch x 3
Minutes 4-5: Snatch x 2
Minutes 6-10: Snatch x 1WOD:
For Time: (15 Min … -
April 8, 2018
SWOD de-load Week 8 Back Squat* (15 min)
Wendler Program Notes:
Determine your “base number”. Base number= 90% of your 1RM
“+” denotes do that number of reps and then as many as you can until failure
Back Squat: 3×5 … -
April 6, 2018
- Come support a few of our newer CrossFit competitors at the Rookie Rollout at Troy CrossFit this Saturday April 7th!
25 DB Thrusters (40/30)
25 Pullups
25 Alt DB Power Snatches (40/30)
25 Box Jumps w/Step down (24/20)… -
April 5, 2018
- Come support a few of our newer CrossFit competitors at the Rookie Rollout at Troy CrossFit this Saturday April 7th!
Inner Hamstring Opener 3×5 (long inhale on descent)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL2RAFOa1CE&t=109sSWOD (16 min)
Week 2/4 Linear Progression Phase
Deadlift: … -
April 4, 2018
Skill: Work on a weakness w/drills from coach (Athlete’s choice) or Make up M-W SWOD
8 Ring Dips
10 DB Power Cleans (40/30)
12 Ball Slams (30/20)
400m run
4 Rounds -
April 3, 2018
External Oblique Opener 3 x 10 Pulseshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihlk3ki78M
SWOD: Week 7 Clean and Jerk Progression Deload/Technique day (15 min)
2 Cleans and 1 Jerk x 3, don’t go past 65%
Cleans and Jerk x 3, don’t go past 65%WOD…