SWOD: Take 20 min to work up to a 1 rep max. power clean
Weighted planks: 30 sec hold x 5
This is GREAT video analysis of proper power clean technique.
Note that she is completely opening …
SWOD: Take 20 min to work up to a 1 rep max. power clean
Weighted planks: 30 sec hold x 5
This is GREAT video analysis of proper power clean technique.
Note that she is completely opening …
In teams of two:
50 OHS (PVC)
50 box jumps
50 sit-ups
-4 rounds for time-
As a gym, we are gearing up towards more advanced movements and lifts. One of which is the overhead squat or OHS. It’s important …
Thank you to all those who came out to support our friend from CrossFit Mission Gorge, Ted Hoyt. Through your help and donations, we are now able to provide Ted some specialized equipment for his physical therapy. This will go …
SWOD (Strength WOD)
Take 20 min to work up to a 1 rep max. deadlift
AMRAP in 6 min
30 air squats
200m run
Proper Deadlift Technique:
Remember the set up is key. You want to look like …
Today we will only be holding the 12pm class at CrossFit 858. Please join us around 9:30am for a WOD at Mission Bay Park. We are holding this WOD to show our support for a fellow CrossFitter, Ted Hoyt of …
…AMRAP in 5 min
5 HSPU (Handstand pushups)
20 double unders (or 80 singles)
Rest 2 min
AMRAP in 5 min
20 KB swings (53#/35#)
5 burpees
CrossFit Handstand pushups: Click on the link to view the different variations.
SWOD (Strength WOD):
A1) Power cleans 3/3/3/3/3
B1) Back Squat 10/10/8/8/8
B2) leg lifts 15/15/15/15
*As part of the strength and conditioning program, you are building on last week’s routine. This will ramp up to a one rep max
EWOD (Endurance WOD): 400m run x4, rest 2 min between rounds
Skill work: Focus on kipping on the pull up bars and/or rings. Also, work on another skill you’re having difficulty with i.e. pistols, muscle-ups, hand-stands, etc.