Announcements and Reminders
- Don’t forget to share the news about the CrossFit 858 New Years Membership Promotion!!
Mobility drills:
A1) Paleo chair, 40-60 sec. x 3 sets
A2) couch stretch 40-60 sec. each leg x 3 sets
Front squats …
Announcements and Reminders
Mobility drills:
A1) Paleo chair, 40-60 sec. x 3 sets
A2) couch stretch 40-60 sec. each leg x 3 sets
Front squats …
Are your friends looking for a deal on CrossFit 858 memberships? CLICK HERE
AMRAP in 7 min
15 box jumps (24″/20″)
10 Goblet lunges (53#/35#)
5 Handlift push-ups
Rest 3 min
600m run
Rest 1 min
400m …
Skill Work:
A1) Max. kipping or butterfly pull-ups in 30 seconds x 4 sets
A2) Max. Toes-to-bar in 30 seconds x 4 sets
*Rest 1 min between sets
CrossFit 858 wishes you a very merry Christmas!!!
Remember Monday December 26th: 9am and 10am classes only!!
…Open gym for December 24th, 2011. 10am-12pm
Come in and work on a skill, lift or WOD that you may have missed!
…SWOD: Cleans, take 20-25 min to establish a new 1 rep max.
This is week 3 of cleaning and we want to get an idea of everyone’s strength in regards to the clean. Starting next week we will be …
Reminder of our Holiday hours:
Saturday December 24: Open gym 10am-12pm
Monday December 26: 9am and 10am classes only
Buy in: 400m run
50 Air squats
40 sit ups
30 Hang Cleans (95#/65#)
20 Static barbell lunges (95#/65#)
10 …
A1) Front squats 4/4/4/4/4
A2) Racked position mobility drill, 1 min on each arm x 3 sets
B1) Good mornings 8/8/8/8/8
B2) Max handlift push ups in 30 seconds x 5 sets (post least amount of reps completed)…
REMINDER: SATURDAY DECEMBER 24TH 10am-12pm Open gym only!
Skill work:
A1) Handstand push ups, Max reps in 30 seconds x 5 sets -or- Max handstand hold for time x 5 sets (post shortest time held)
A2) Pistol squats 5 reps …