SWOD: Overhead squats 4/4/3/3/3 (Start your first set at 80% or more of your 1RM)
OTMEM for 10 min
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings (53#/35#)
*Your goal should be to hold the same pace for each round.
SWOD: Overhead squats 4/4/3/3/3 (Start your first set at 80% or more of your 1RM)
OTMEM for 10 min
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings (53#/35#)
*Your goal should be to hold the same pace for each round.
Buy in: 25 toes to bar
50 wall ball shots (20#/14#)
200m run
50 wall ball shots
200m run
50 wall ball shots
200m run
Cash out: 25 toes to bar
-for time-
-5 rounds for time-
5 Muscle-ups (sub = 10 pull-ups)
10 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
200m run
…SWOD: Jerks 4/4/3/3/3 (start your first set around 75% of your 1RM)
15 KB Swings (53#/35#)
30 Double unders
15 Alternating Pistols (sub = 30 air squats)
-3 rounds for time-
…Mobility: Bully stretch, 1 min each arm x 2 sets (http://www.crossfitmissiongorge.com/wod/5-wod/476-6142012.html)
12 Deadlifts (225#/135#)
12 CTB Pull-ups
10 Deadlifts
10 CTB Pull-ups
8 Deadlifts
8 CTB Pull-ups
6 Deadlifts
6 CTB Pull-ups
4 Deadlifts
4 CTB …
SWOD: 20 minutes to achieve a 1RM power clean
AMRAP in 2 min
200m run
15 box jumps
Max burpees
Rest 1 min
-4 rounds, score = total amount of burpees competed-
Skill practice:
Spend about 15 minutes working on either HSPU, muscle ups, or any of the progressions for both. Do a few sets and keep reps between 5-10.
1 min Games standard box jumps (24″)
1 min Row (for …
Buy in: 25 pull-ups
5 rounds
5 front squats (185#/120#)
10 toes to bar
Cash out: 25 pull-ups
-for time-
…SWOD: Power cleans 2/2/2/2/2 (Try to do your 1RM around set 3 or 4)
Jerks 6/4/4/3/3 (start your first set around 70% of your 1RM
The Clean: 1st pull, don’t pull “around” the knees!
2nd Pull discussed …