- TONIGHT!!!! Friday, July 6th, we will be having Happy Hour at the gym starting at 7pm!!This is a GREAT opportunity for all of us to catch up, also to welcome some of the newer members of CrossFit 858!!I’ll
As a friendly reminder, please review our Late Policy and the reasons why we have one. ALL potential members are welcome to come and try us out, but please arrive on time so you do not miss important briefings …
Friday 6/28
SWOD: Clean and jerk 4/4/3/3/3 (start your first set at 70% or more of your 1RM) Then,
A1) *HSPU 8/8/8/8/8 -or- Inverted plyo box push-ups 10/10/10/10/10
A2) Ring rows, max reps in 20 seconds x 5 sets…
45 seconds Row (for max calories)
15 seconds rest
45 seconds Lateral Burpees over barbell
15 seconds rest
45 seconds Knees-to-elbows
15 seconds rest
45 seconds Double unders
15 seconds rest
45 seconds Barbell push-press (65#)
15 seconds rest…
AMRAP in 6 min
3 power cleans (155#/115#)
6 sit ups
9 box jumps (24″/20″)
-Rest 2 min-
400m run
10 alternating KB snatches (53#/35#)
10 alternating single leg KB Deadlifts (53#/35#)
-4 rounds for time-
Check out these …
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
-AMRAP in 20 min-
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