Programming Notes: The WOD is meant to go a bit longer than the WOD from the day before. The 30 second rest is just meant to give you just enough to recharge the batteries to maintain a higher intensity. For |
June 3, 2019
… -
June 3, 2019
…Programming Notes:
Todays WOD is meant to compliment the back squat testing. At 15 reps per “round” it’s meant to be a moderately high
volume workout. We put the higher skill movement (snatches) to decrease as the workout progresses and -
May 31, 2019
…Programming Notes:
No SWOD today, but a focus on a longer time domain workout. the first since Murph. This one is designed to test/build your grip. Grip is something that can prove to be quite advantageous in strength training and -
May 30, 2019
…Programming Notes:
Starting off with some traditional strength focused around strengthening the shoulders, along with activating the lats with rows.
The WOD is designed to be relatively low volume and high skill. EMOMs are a great way to give time -
May 29, 2019
…Programming Notes:
Continuation of the pullup progression.
The WOD will allow you to increase your intensity a bit more than previous days.
This will especially be the case since there is a 2 minute rest between rounds to fully allow -
May 28, 2019
…Programming Notes:
Starting to ramp things back up today, by putting a barbell back in your hands. The SWOD is a continuation of the Texas method.
The WOD is purposely designed to have a 1 to 1 work to rest -
May 27, 2019
…Programming Notes:
No score on the first part. The purpose is to move with purpose.
Quality over time or quantity. The metcon is a relatively “easy” workout that will induce
little to no additional soreness on your body as you -
May 23, 2019
Capacity: (Don’t worry this is the last week of this focus everyone)
Tabata 8 rounds of 20secs on/10secs off for each movement
Row for cals
Jump Squats
Row for cals
Mountain climbers
Score=lowest score for each session
50 single-arm …
May 21, 2019
5×5 @ 90% of last week’s 5RM Deadlift
3 Rounds, 90 Seconds @ each station:
Goblet Squats (70/53)
Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
Russian KB Swings (70/53)
Rest 90 Seconds between rounds
L4: Written
L3: 53/35
L2: 35/26, Push-ups …
May 20, 2019
Movement review: Kipping and taps and pops
EVERYONE will perform 3 sets of 15 of Kipping Pullups. If easy, do C2B. NO BUTTERFLY (yet) Rest as needed.
then EVERYONE will work their way through the pullup ladder
10 Jumping …