Entries By Coach Mark
August 21, 2017SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week COMPLETEPhase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 2/4Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 0/4Phase 4 (Testing)SWOD:A1. Push Press 3 x 5A2. Weighted Pull-Ups 3 x…
August 20, 2017EMOM 8:1) Front and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 6 @ 32X1 (weak side)2) Midline Work3) Front and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 6 @ 32X1 (strong side)4) Midline Work*possible examples of midline…
August 19, 2017WODAMRAP 12:400m Run12 OHS (95/65)8 T2BRest 4 MinDeath by Squat Clean and Jerk (95/65)…
August 17, 2017
WOD n BREW this FRIDAY NIGHT! Special 6pm class at uptown then we walk to Fall Brewing at 7pm! CLICK HERE
Included in Warm-Up:EMOM 8:1) Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 @ 32X1 (weak side)… -
August 16, 2017
WOD n BREW this FRIDAY NIGHT! Special 6pm class at uptown then we walk to Fall Brewing at 7pm! CLICK HERE
SWOD: (Shoulder Health)3 Sets:Prone (on Ground) Straight Arm Raises (i position) with 2 sec pause x… -
August 15, 2017
WOD n BREW this FRIDAY NIGHT! Special 6pm class at uptown then we walk to Fall Brewing at 7pm! CLICK HERE
SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week COMPLETEPhase 2 (Linear Progression) Week… -
August 14, 2017
WOD n BREW this FRIDAY NIGHT! Special 6pm class at uptown then we walk to Fall Brewing at 7pm! CLICK HERE
SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week COMPLETEPhase 2 (Linear Progression)… -
August 13, 2017
Included in Warm-Up:
1) Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 @ 32X1 (weak side)
2) Midline Work
3) Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 @ 32X1 (strong side)
4) Midline Work
*midline work examples: barbell roll outs x 6-8 / … -
August 11, 2017WODAMRAP 3:3 Strict Ring Pull-Ups6 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)Rest 2 MinAMRAP 3:6 Toes to Bar6 Deadlifts (205/145) (add plates to existing bar)Rest 2 MinX 2 Rounds, score…
August 10, 2017SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week 4/4Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 0/4Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 0/4Phase 4 (Testing)SWOD:Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets:Front Squat x 3 @…