CrossFit 858 wishes you a very merry Christmas!!!
Remember Monday December 26th: 9am and 10am classes only!!
…CrossFit 858 wishes you a very merry Christmas!!!
Remember Monday December 26th: 9am and 10am classes only!!
…Open gym for December 24th, 2011. 10am-12pm
Come in and work on a skill, lift or WOD that you may have missed!
…SWOD: Cleans, take 20-25 min to establish a new 1 rep max.
This is week 3 of cleaning and we want to get an idea of everyone’s strength in regards to the clean. Starting next week we will be …
Reminder of our Holiday hours:
Saturday December 24: Open gym 10am-12pm
Monday December 26: 9am and 10am classes only
Buy in: 400m run
50 Air squats
40 sit ups
30 Hang Cleans (95#/65#)
20 Static barbell lunges (95#/65#)
10 …
A1) Front squats 4/4/4/4/4
A2) Racked position mobility drill, 1 min on each arm x 3 sets
B1) Good mornings 8/8/8/8/8
B2) Max handlift push ups in 30 seconds x 5 sets (post least amount of reps completed)…
REMINDER: SATURDAY DECEMBER 24TH 10am-12pm Open gym only!
Skill work:
A1) Handstand push ups, Max reps in 30 seconds x 5 sets -or- Max handstand hold for time x 5 sets (post shortest time held)
A2) Pistol squats 5 reps …
Kendrick Farris on the Snatch. Watch for the sequence of his movements. Elbows bend LAST!!
SWOD: Snatch, take 20-25 min to establish a new 1 rep max.
This is week 3 of snatching and we want to get …
WOD (previously done on 8/26/2011)
10 Overhead squats (65#/45#)
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Knees to elbows
600m run
10 Overhead squats
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 Knees to elbows
400m run
10 Overhead squats…
Just like last Friday, you should be working on receiving the barbell in a full squat. Your sets do not need to be done unbroken but you should be moving with a sense of urgency. Focus …
A1) Front squats 6/6/6/6/6
A2) Couch stretch, 1 min on each leg x 2 sets
A3) Racked position mobility drill, 1 min on each arm x 2 sets
60 thrusters (95#/65#)
-for time-
*5 Burpees every …