WW: How do I get a pull-up?

WW: How do I get a pull-up?

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday where in-house nutrition coach, Coach Diana Leigh, answers YOUR questions about health. 

Got a question you want to see answered here? Submit it on the AMA form.

Let’s jump into it!

Q: My goal this year is to get a pull-up, what do you recommend I do?


A: Pull-ups are the number one goal I see and it makes sense why – it’s pretty freaking cool to be able to pull your own body weight!

First thing about getting a pull-up is strengthening the muscles involved. The pull-up involves a lot of lat and back muscles. To strengthen these you can do:



Grab a band and string it from a high bar. Grab it with your hands, arms extended out in front of you. Tuck your rib cage, brace your core, and roll your shoulders back and down to set up, then pull that band down while activating the lat muscles. Perform slow and controlled for 15-20 reps.

Lat Pull-Down Demo



This is what the pull-up looks like at the initiation. Too many people pull initially with their biceps, when really they should be using their LATS + SCAPS. Hang from the bar while maintaining a hollow body position. Pull your shoulder blades back and down. DO NOT bend at the elbows, focus on isolating the back muscles. Perform slow and controlled for about 8-10 reps.

Scap Pull-Up Demo


Next we want to actually train the pull-up motion – I recommend doing this in a variety of ways. What I mean is don’t ONLY train banded pull-ups or ring rows; instead vary which exercise you perform on any given day. Here are some options:



String a band on a high bar, set one foot in the band, and the other foot crosses over the leg to hold the band in place. Focus on using the lats + scaps and pull until you reach your chin over the bar. Choose a band you can hit no more than 8 reps with (otherwise it’s not challenging enough!).

Banded Pull-Up Demo



Stand on a box or bench under the bar (or floor if you can reach). Jump up to reach your chin over the bar, then slowly lower yourself down for 2-3 seconds. Use this option for lower reps (about 5 or so reps per set).

Pull-Up Negatives Demo



Place a bar in the rig at about chest height and a box or bench in front. Place your feet on the box as you perform the pull-up. This also takes out some of the weight you have to lift, similarly to using the band. To make it easier, bend your knees; to make it harder lower, your feet.

Feet Elevated Pull-Up Demo



Do not learn kipping pull-ups prior to learning strict pull-ups! This is the BIGGEST mistake you can make in your pull-up journey.

The strict pull-up develops the foundational understanding of muscle recruitment and technique in the pull-up. The intention of adding a kip is not to make the movement quicker but to make it more efficient. If you skip to kipping pull-ups without building your foundation, you risk injury due to improper movement and muscle development.

Coach Diana Leigh is a Precision Nutrition certified coach who uses habit-based coaching to help her clients get stronger and feel amazing in their bodies without the restriction and overwhelm of dieting. For more helpful tips, follow her on Instagram @coachdianaleigh.

How you can work with Coach Diana:

1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Get individualized guidance in developing healthy and sustainable habits to help reach your goals – whether you’re looking for weight loss, muscle increase, or improved performance – without the stress and overwhelm of dieting or macro counting.

Learn more + apply here – currently accepting 3 new clients in July

Nourish With Confidence Kickstart

An 8-week group coaching program that helps active individuals create a healthy relationship with food + ditch dieting for good through foundational nutrition habits, balanced strategies, and high-level support.

Learn more here – next enrollment TBA