WW: How do you promote overall fat loss?

WW: How do you promote overall fat loss?

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday where in-house nutrition coach, Coach Diana Leigh, answers YOUR questions about health. 

Got a question you want to see answered here? Submit it on the AMA form.

Let’s jump into it!

Q: Top ways to promote overall body fat loss. I know you can’t just target fat storage in a certain area of your body (thanks genetics) but what are some tips to help see a difference.

A: Fat loss seems like a simple concept – when we consume more energy than we burn, then we store excess calories as fat. When we burn more energy than we consume, we lose weight.

Being at a caloric deficit isn’t the simple answer to this question. There are other factors that affect fat loss we should consider. Here are my top 4:

Macro breakdown

For my clients looking to lose weight, I typically give them a nutrition plan that is higher in protein and vegetables and lower in carbs and fat. Protein and vegetables will keep you feeling fuller longer, and the carb and fat intake needs to be just enough to fuel performance as well as regular body functions. Also I bet you’re not eating enough protein and/or vegetables currently – most of my clients aren’t when they begin working with me.

Note: I do not condone low carb/keto diets which typically put an individual at a greater carbohydrate deficit than they need to be.

TRY THIS: Aim to have a serving of protein and vegetables at a minimum of 3 meals a day with  a moderate side of carbs and fats.


Processed vs whole foods

Processed foods are calorie dense – meaning they are high in calories and low in nutritional value. They leave us overconsuming while still feeling hungry and the need to eat more. Instead of reaching for a protein bar, try opting for some real whole foods instead like Greek yogurt with fresh fruit.

TRY THIS: Swap out a processed food in your routine for a whole food. Bonus if you use this as an opportunity to boost your protein or vegetable intake.



Drinking water is crucial to your overall health. I can’t give you an exact amount to drink because it varies person to person, but what I do tell my clients is to use their urine to help them tell if they’re hydrated (clear is hydrated, yellow means drink more). If you’re consuming caloric drinks such as sodas, juices, or alcohol then it can be beneficial to swap those out with water so you’re not drinking excess calories.

TRY THIS: Get yourself a water bottle to have on hand with you at all times, and set yourself daily water goals to motivate you to drink more.



It’s not always about food and exercise when it comes to weight loss. Too many people overlook stress in their weight loss journey. Too much stress increases cortisol levels in the body, can lead to poor blood sugar management and insulin resistance, can decrease thyroid hormone output, and decrease metabolism. All of these factors can cause your body to retain more fat. It’s important to manage your stress levels and focus on recovery (7-8 hours of quality sleep, active recovery or stretching, mindfulness, etc).

TRY THIS: Spend 10 minutes each day after your workout stretching and rolling out. This is a great way to bring your body into recovery mode after your body worked against stress!


Remember, it’s not all about eating as few calories as possible while exercising as much as possible. It’s about finding a true balance with your health. I’d be curious to know how many of these items you are doing and which ones you’re missing – not just the person asking the question, but all of you 858 members 🙂

Coach Diana Leigh is a Precision Nutrition certified coach who uses habit-based coaching to help her clients get stronger and feel amazing in their bodies without the restriction and overwhelm of dieting. For more helpful tips, follow her on Instagram @coachdianaleigh.

Want to work with Coach Diana Leigh? Fill out her application here.