Week of 6/1/2020 | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Question of the Day | Who do you go to for good ideas? | What’s your favorite pair of shoes? | What’s the best part of your life so far? | What was your favorite subject in school? | Do you plan or are you flying by the seat of your pants? | No class, optional workout provided |
Warm Up | 1:00 Cardio Choice into… AMRAP x 4 MINUTES A) 5 Each RDL B) 0:30 Plank C) 0:30 Cardio Choice L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM A) DB Deadlift |
1:00 Cardio Choice into… 4 SETS (:20 ON / :10 OFF)* MOVT 1 – Jumping Jacks MOVT 2 – Sprawls *Both movements = 1 Set |
2:00 Cardio Choice into… EMOM x 3 MINUTES 50 Lateral Hops into Max Lunges L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM 50 Single Unders |
1:00 Cardio Choice into… AMRAP x 4 MINUTES A) 20 Mountain Climbers B) 10 DB Upright Row C) 10 DB Strict Press D) 10 Air Squats L2: SOME EQUIPMENT B) 10 DB Upright Rows C) 10 DB Strict Press L3: FULL GYM ACCESS Use an unloaded barbell for B and C |
2:00 Cardio Choice into… EMOM x 3 MINUTES :30 High Knees :30 Air Squats |
2:00 Cardio Choice into… AMRAP x 3 MINUTES 10 Samson Stretches 10 Alt. Leg Swings 10 Alt. Knee to Chest |
SWOD | EVERY 3 MIN x 4 ROUNDS A) 3 Squat Jumps B) 5 Push Up to Shoulder Tap (Tap R+L each rep) C) 7 Air Squats L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM A) 3 DB Hang Squat Clean B) 5 Renegade Rows C) 7 DB Thrusters (Score is Load) |
EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1 – 12-15 Pike Push Ups MIN 2 – 15 Tricep Dips MIN 3 – Sprawls L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM MIN 1 – 20 DB Push Press MIN 2 – 15 Upright Rows MIN 3 – 10 DB Sprawls (Score is Load) |
EVERY 2 MIN x 5 ROUNDS 1:00 Cardio Choice 12 Burpees |
4 SETS FOR MAX REPS 1:00 of work each station, no rest A) Sumo Squats B) Plank Hold C) Plank Shoulder Taps L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) DB Sumo Deadlifts B) DBL DB Overhead Hold C) DB Slides L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) BB Sumo Deadlift B) BB Overhead Hold *Use a weight you can use for a full minute of work (Score is Reps) |
EMOM x 5 MINUTES A) 12 Sprawls + Max Penguin Taps -2:00 Rest- EMOM x 5 MINUTES B) 12 Burpees + Max Penguin Taps L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) 12 Alt. DB Snatch + Max Double Unders B) 12 Alt. DB Power Clean + Max Double Unders L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) 12 Power Snatch (95/65) + Max Double Unders B) 12 Power Clean (95/65) + Max Double Unders (Score is Load) |
E3MOM x 15 MINUTES A) 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges B) 20 Bodyweight Goodmorning (Score is Load) L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) Goblet Reverse Lunges B) Single DB Goodmorning L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) Front Rack Reverse Lunges B) Back Rack Goodmornings *Load should allow you to complete all reps unbroken |
WOD | 4 SETS FOR MAX REPS 1:00 Max effort, 1:00 rest after each full round A) Squat Jumps B) Tuck-Ups C) Plank to Squat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yEkcvYUI6Q) D) Hollow Hold L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) DB Hang Squat Cleans C) DB Thrusters L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) BB Hang Squat Cleans (95/65) B) BB Thrusters (95/65) (Score is Reps) |
AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 50 Penguin Taps 12 Plank Walks 12 Push Ups 1:00 Plank Hold L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM 50 Double Unders 12 DB Seesaw Row (Alternating Single Arm Rows) 12 DB Floor Press 1:00 DB Floor Press Hold (In Glute Bridge) (Score is Rounds + Reps) |
EVERY 4 MIN x 5 ROUNDS 30 Alt. Jumping Lunges 30 Air Squats 30 Glute Bridges then in the remaining time… Max Plank Hold (No Score) |
5 ROUNDS AMRAP x 3 MINUTES -Rest 1:00 b/t AMRAPS- A) 8 Strict Burpee to Squat Jump B) 7 Tuck Jumps L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) 10 DB Sumo DL High Pulls L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) 10 BB Sumo DL High Pulls (95/65) B) 7 Box Jumps (Score is Rounds + Reps) |
8 ROUNDS, 0:20 ON / 0:10 OFF -1:00 Rest b/t Tabatas- TABATA 1 – Reverse Burpees TABATA 2 – Plyo Push-ups TABATA 3 – Sit-Ups TABATA 4 – Sprawls L2: SOME EQUIPMENT T1: Alt DB Hang Snatch T4: DB Ground to Overhead* *Hold DB by both heads, parallel to body L3: FULL GYM ACCESS T1: Hang Snatch (75/55) T4: Plate G2OH (Score is Each Round for Reps) |
AMRAP x 13 MINUTES 2-4-6 and so on… A) Air Squats B) Double Push-Up Burpees L2: SOME EQUIPMENT A) DB Thruster w/ Double Press* B) Double Push-Up Burpees *1 Rep = Thruster + Additional Push Press L3: FULL GYM ACCESS A) BB Thruster w/ Double Press (75/55) (Score is Reps) |
Finisher | 3 SETS 0:30 Side Plank (R) 0:30 Side Plank (L) 0:30 Russian Twists |
EMOM x 5 MINUTES 12 Push-Ups + Max Push Up Hold L2 & L3: SOME EQUIPMENT TO FULL GYM 12 DB Hammer Curls + Max Gun Hold |
AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 20 Alt. Bicycle Crunches 20 Tuck-ups 20 Russian Twists |
Cool Down | Saddle Pose Pigeon Pose Puppy Dog |
Downward Dog Twisted Cross Overhead Tricep Stretch |
Lizard Pose Piriformis Stretch Eagle Pose |
Archer Pose Seated Straddle Supine Twist |
Thread The Needle Seated Forward Fold 10 Cat Cows |
Single Leg Saddle Lizard Pose Dragon Pose |