Week of 1/12/20 | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Announcements | Training Through the Trimesters Workshop Learn from Colleen Flaherty, founder of Co/Create and creator of the 2 day CrossFit approved CEU course Pregnancy & Postpartum Strength Training. This Saturday, January 18 at 11am @ CrossFit 858 Mission Gorge Note: The 11AM WOD will be canceled at Mission Gorge but will still take place at Miramar Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/455990518419502/ |
SWOD | SWOD: Week 1 of 8 Wendler (15 min) Back Squat: 3×5 Set 1: 5 reps at 65% of base number Set 2: 5 reps at 75% of base number Set 3: 5+ reps at 85% of base number |
Week 5 (20 min) Power Cleans 4×2 Power Cleans 7×1, PR if you can |
Phase 1 Tempo, Time under Tension 4/4 Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 4/4 Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 3/4 Phase 4 (Testing) Push Press Clusters 4 sets x 2.1.1 *rest 30 seconds between clusters, rest as needed between sets (a set contains 4 reps) |
SWOD: A. Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlifts 3×8 (empty bar for most, stop early if form dies) B. Strict Toes to Bar 3xFailure (shoot for at least 6, if can’t get 6, leg raises) *Keep knees, toes, and heels together on Strict T2B |
Week 1: Overhead Squat A1) YTW 3×10 A2) Banded Pull Aparts then, 5 sets of 5. Not Max effort, capped at 75% if you even know your 1RM |
WOD | Accumulate: 100/80 Calories on Assault Bike 100 DB Thrusters (30/20) Partition as your heart desires Rx+: (40/30) L2: (20/15) L1: 50-75 Reps/Cals, (15/10) |
AMRAP 7 min: 7 Power Cleans (135/95) 7 Russian Swings (70/53) 7 Burpees L2: (95/65), (53/35) L1: (65/45), (35/26), Sprawls Beginner: DB Power Cleans |
EMOM 8: 5 DB Push Press (40/30) 20 Double Unders Max Box Jumps (24/20) in time Remaining Score = Box Jumps Rx+: (50/35) L2: (30/20), 30 SU/DU Mix, (20/14) L1: (20/10), 40 SU, Step-Ups |
4 Rounds for time: 100m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry (70/53) 10 Ring Push-Ups 100m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry (other arm) 10 Ring Push-Ups L2: (53/35) DB Push-Ups L1: (35/26) Regular-Push Ups, scale as needed |
6 Rounds of: 60 Second Max Calorie Row 30 Second Max Deadlifts (135/95) 30 Second Rest Score=total reps and cal L2: (115/85) L1: (75/55) |
AMRAP 21 30 Wall balls (20/14) 10 Pull-Ups 10 Squat Cleans (95/65) 30 Jumping Lunges L2: (14/10), Banded Pull-Ups, (75/55), DB weighted lunges L1: (10) WB Thrusters, Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows, (45/35) Power Cleans + Front Squat, BW lunges Beginner: Sub Squat Cleans w/ DB Front Squats |
BRO SESH | DB Sumo Squat 3×6 3 count descent 2 count hold at bottom 1 count ascent |
Deficit KB Deadlift 3×8-12 |
HSPU 3×8 Rx+: Strict Rx: Kipping L2: Feet elevated on box, HSPU drill L1: Pike Push-ups |
Ab Circuit: 3 rounds 1a) 10 Plate Passes 1b) 20 Plank Plate Pass Throughs |
Dimmel Deadlifts 3×20 @ light-moderate weight |
Pec Carry 3-5x200m, Rest 1:00 between rounds |
Stretching | Pigeon Pose Puppy Dog Saddle Pose |
Supine Twist Single Leg Forward Fold Lizard Pose |
Eagle Pose Downward Dog Thread The Needle |
Twisted Cross Half Split Seal/Sphinx |
Forward Fold Supine Twist Archer Pose |
Twisted Cross Dragon Pose Seated Straddle |