Week of August 11 2019

Week of August 11 2019

Week of 8/11/19MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
SWOD25 mins to find new 1RM Back Squat6 sets of
2 Strict Pullups + 3 Kipping Pullups + 6 T2B (unbroken)

6 sets of
2 Strict Pullups + 3 Kipping Pullups + 6 T2B (if you break, return the PU bar as fast as possible)

4 Banded Pullups + 4 kip swings + 8 Hanging Knee Raises
6 rounds of:
2 High Hang Clean + 2 FS (increasing)

Beginner SWOD:
2 RKBS + 2 Goblet Squat
4 Rounds:
A1) 10R/10L unbroken reverse lunges w/BB on back (increase if possible)
A2) 10 Double KB Stiff Legged Deadlift
A3) 10R/10L Dual Leg liftovers (fourth video: https://pikdo.net/p/marcusfilly/2091051591419577507_470080382)
Bench Press
3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (increasing)
In between sets
6-8 zombie situps or GHDs
5 Front Squats (135/95)
7 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
Max Burpees in time remaining

Score=Total number of Burpees

L2: (115/85) (53/35)
L1: (95/65) (35/26) Sprawls
AMRAP 6 min
6 Ring Rows
24 Double Unders

*Rx = Body parallel to the ground (Rx+ = elevate feet)
L2: Scale RR as needed, 38 Doubles/Singles Mixture
L3: Scale RR as needed, 48 Singles
For Time
10 Squat Cleans (155/115)
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
400m run or 500m row or 35/30 Cal Bike
8 Squat Cleans
8 Burpee Box Jumps
400m run or 500m row or 35/30 Cal Bike
4 Squat Cleans
4 Burpee Box Jumps
400m run or 500m row or 35/30 Cal Bike

*You must do one of each Run/Bike/Row

RxA: 185/135 and 30/24
L2: (135/105)(20)
L1: (115/95) 20″ Sprawl Box Hop
Beginner WOD: Front Squats, Box Jumps, 2min Bike
AMRAP 8 min
6 Deadlifts (185/135)
12 Pushups
24 Mountain Climbers

Right into, 4 RFT
6 KB SDHP (70/53)
12 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
24 Jumping Lunges

Score 1 = Rounds + Reps
Score 2 = Take total time minus 8min

L2: (165/125) (53/35)
L1: (135/105) (35/26) Static Reverse Lunges
9 minute Ascending Ladder*
1+1,2+2, 3+3, etc of:
Thrusters (95/65)

Score= Round completed and reps into next round

Rx+: (135/95), C2B
L3: Sets of Thrusters and Pullups must be done unbroken to proceed to the next level
L2: Broken sets, (75/55), Band Assisted ok
L1: Broken Sets, (55/45), Ring Rows OR Crossover Pull-Ups
AMRAP 16min
4 Push Presses (115/85)
6 American KB Swings (70/53)
8 Alternating KB Goblet Lunges
12 Cal Bike or Row

L2: (95/65) (53/35)
L1: (75/55) (35/26) 10 Cal
AccessoryWall Sit
Accumulate 2:00
DB Reverse Flyes
w/ an empty barbell
2ct pause at mid shin + 2ct pause at hang position + high pull

*Continuing our work on barbell path in the clean for muscle memory. Keep light and focus on hitting each position perfectly.
Front Rack Hold
*Load a barbell to 80-110% of your 1RM Front Squat. Hold the barbell in a front rack position focusing on your core anchoring you in the position.

Accumulate 2:00
DB Hammer Curls
2min Recovery on Bike or Row, then:

3 Rounds
5 Strict Toes To Bar
10 Supinated Barbell Row (45/35)
StretchingPigeon Pose
Happy Baby
Forward Fold
Puppy Dog
Downward Dog
Twisted Cross
Low Dragon
Happy Baby
Archer Pose
Legs On The Wall
Couch Stretch
Eagle Pose
Piriformis Stretch
Saddle Pose
Childs Pose
Supine Twist
Happy Baby
Programming notes