Week of 7/28/19 | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
SWOD | Back squat cycle week 2 of 4 Not a repeat In 12 mins find a heavy single back squat -then- Take 65% of best effort and perform 20 unbroken back squats with a 5 sec pause at the top | 4 sets of Max effort Bar MUs Or Max effort Box/arch jumps to support In between sets accrue: 4 mins hollow hold 40R/40L deadbugs | 7 sets increasing 1 Hang Clean (above the knee) + 1 Hang Clean (below the knee) + 1 FS | In 16 mins work to complete 3 sets of: A1) 1 min Max Effort HEAVY Russian KBS (increasing) A2) 10 Stiff leg barbell Deadlifts A3) 10 Bar hanging AtWs OR 5R/5L single leg strict T2b | 4 rounds A1) 8 Bench Press A2) Max effort pushups (aim for sets of 10+) A3) 8R/8L DB bent over row | |
WOD | 3 Rounds 60 Sec Max Reps of Thrusters (75/55) Rest 30 Sec 60 Sec Max Front Rack Lunges(75/55) Rest 30 Sec 60 Sec Max Reps of Sprawls Rest 30 Sec Score = Total Reps L2: (45/35) L1: DB weight of choice | AMRAP 14min 10 Med Ball Push Ups, Alternating hands on Med Ball (20/14) 12 Ring Rows 14 Wall Balls (20/14 to 10’/9’) 200m run w/Med Ball (20/14) L2: (14/10) L1: (10), run w/o med ball | Buy In: 1000m Row then, 3 Rounds of 10 Power Cleans (135/95) 40 Double Unders L2: (115/85), 30s Double Under Practice L1: (95/65), 80 singles | Partner WOD AMRAP 3min 200m run (together) As many Hang Power Snatches (95/65) in time remaining AMRAP 3min 200m run (together) As many Bar Facing Burpees in time remaining AMRAP 3min 200m run (together) As many Russian KB Swings (70/53) in time remaining *Only one person working on the reps at a time, split up reps however you want, Teams of 3, same rules apply Score=Total Reps of team RxA: 135/95 Barbell L2: (75/55) (53/35) L1: (45/35), Burpees, (35/26) | EMOM 12 min 2 DB Manmankers (30/20) 4 Alternating Lunges w/DB racked on Shoulders RxA: (40/30) L2: (20/15) L1: (10) Beginner WOD: 4 Renegade Rows 8 Alternating Lunges Unweighted | 5 RFT 400 m run 30 Ball Slams (30/20) 20 Toes to Bar 10 Clean and Jerks (155/115) |
Accessory | Barbell Sit Ups 3×10 | Medball Hamstring Curls 3×8-10 *slow and controlled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_INXCfwVLY | Clean Deadlift to Power Position 3×5 *Can go heavy based on how they feel, but key is to focus on technique to hit the right positions within their pull https://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/437/Clean-Deadlift-To-Power-Position/ | 400m Sandbag Carry, rest as needed | Tabata: DB Hang Squat Clean *use light weight for faster pace and maintaining the ability to move throughout the 20 second interval for all rounds | Ring or Matador Tricep Dips 3×8-12 |
Stretching | Lizard Pigeon Thread The Needle | Archer Pose Eagle Pose Frog Pose | Legs on the Wall Couch Stretch Downward Dog | Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch | Happy Baby Saddle Twisted Cross | IT Band Stretch Seal/Sphinx Puppy Dog Pigeon |
Programming notes | The rest periods are not going to get you back to 100% but the goal is to try to activate your parasympathetic system as much as possible. As soon as the 30 seconds hit, start breathing in through the nose, out the mouth. | This day is mostly bodyweight/lightweight since we are going with lots of barbell on mon/weds. However it doesn’t mean go easy. Push the pace on the runs and try to go unbroken on wall balls | Relatively low volume on the WOD today as you may be feeling it still from earlier in the week. | High volume wod with no SWOD= go hard and maintain a fast pace |