June 4 2019

June 4 2019

Programming Notes:
The WOD is meant to go a bit longer than the WOD from the day before. The 30 second rest is just meant to give you just enough to
recharge the batteries to maintain a higher intensity. For the leg work, we are focused on low weight, plyometric explosive movements.

For 12 mins work on Handstand hold against wall (Nose and toes)
L1: 3 mins accrued, every time you break, 15sec Hollow rock holds + 8 Seated DB Strict Press
L2: 4 mins accrued, every time you break, 15sec Hollow rock holds + 8 Seated DB Strict Press
L3: 5 mins accrued, every time you break, 20sec Hollow rock holds + 8 Seated DB Strict Press
10 DB Push Press (40/30)
20 Alternating Jumping Lunges
30 Double Unders
Rest 30 sec

Rx+: (50/35)
L2: (30/20), Static Forward Lunges, 60 SU
L1: (20/10)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3×8-12

Athlete choice of weight
Maintain a single challenging weight OR increase in weight with each set
Recommended Stretching:
Puppy Dog