Mission Gorge – Alex Pulido

“We all have noticed Alex staying after class to do additional work – he works his butt off every time he comes through the door, and that is pretty often. Further more, Alex greatly enhances our community. I always see him being friendly and introducing himself to new faces, and it’s the little things like that that make a huge difference for even just one person’s CrossFit experience.” – Coach Diana
How long have you been doing CrossFit? About 2.5 years.
What got you hooked on CrossFit? The group experience and competitive but supportive atmosphere. Also Eric Carmody, 2x Crossfit Games individual athlete.
What is your favorite movement? Deadlift. Simple but satisfying.
Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain? Steady progress on my lifts. To maintain an upward trajectory in my overall strength.
Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit? Be patient with yourself. Focus on technique – strength will come with time. Consistency is key – showing up is half the battle. Nutrition is the other (more than half) of the equation. Have fun.
Fun Fact: I buy all my cars at police auctions.

“For our May athlete of the month for CF858 Miramar, we chose Marcelle! She is a regular at either the noon or the 4pm class depending on her schedule. Marcelle came to us during a six week challenge, fell in love with the gym and has been coming ever since. When I walk into the gym to get ready for class, seeing her name up on the precheck board has become a bit of a tradition. She is the epitome of the patient, hard working client who is reaping the rewards of their consistent efforts. CONGRATS Marcelle!” – Coach Jared
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I joined 858 CrossFit on February 2019 and it was my first time doing it. It has been just few months of practice but time enough for me to realize I love it.
What is your favorite movement?
My favorite movement is “squatting”. It helps build my leg muscles. It also promotes body-wide muscle building, improving muscle mass. Squats, and all of their variations, are a great exercise for the whole body.
Do you have any current goals that you are trying to attain?
I am currently working on losing weight and getting stronger. And the way CrossFit classes are set up (Dynamic warm up, Skill/Strength work and WOD – the workout of the day) seems to be the perfect combination to reach my goal.
Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?
I would say always do your best. Even if you are not completely satisfied with your results, just do your best for the day. And always have a positive and motivated mind-set because to see the improvements will take time and determination. Overall, at the end of the day you feel like every drop of sweat is worth it.
What is a random interesting fact about yourself?
An interesting fact about me is that I dropped almost 60 pounds. It’s been a long way and I’m aware that healthy consciousness is a life-time process. I am very happy with my new lifestyle and this is the result of both my diet and exercise routine changes. I still want to improve my body but I am doing my best one day at a time.