May 7 2019

May 7 2019


Movement review: Banded Pull-ups

EVERYONE will perform 3 sets of 15. If easy, use smallest band or C2B option. Rest as needed.

then EVERYONE will work their way through the pullup ladder

10 Jumping Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)

10 Banded Pull-ups (if performed easily w/1sec controlled pause move to:)

10 Banded Chin-ups (if performed easily w/1sec controlled pause move to:)

10 Strict Chin-ups (if performed easily move to:)

10 Strict Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)

10 Kipping Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)

10 Weighted Strict Pull-ups


Tabata: 8 rounds (20secs on/10secs off) 30 secs rest between movements to transition

Wallballs (20/14)


OH walking lunges (45/25)


L1: Wallball height and weight at coaches discretion, V-ups ok, 10# plate

L2: 20/10 to a 9’ target, Hanging Knee raises, 25#/15# plate

L3: 20/14 to 10’/9’ target, 45#/25# plate


Ring Rows 30X1 3×8

  • 3 count eccentric
  • 0 count pause at bottom
  • Explode on concentric
  • 1 count pause at the top

*Focus on maintaining hollow body position, do not sag at the bottom or flare rib cage on the pull.

Recommended Stretching:

3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch