Movement review: Kipping and taps and pops
EVERYONE will perform 3 sets of 15 of Kipping Pullups. If easy, do C2B. NO BUTTERFLY (yet) Rest as needed.
then EVERYONE will work their way through the pullup ladder
10 Jumping Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)
10 Banded Pull-ups (if performed easily w/1sec controlled pause move to:)
10 Banded Chin-ups (if performed easily w/1sec controlled pause move to:)
10 Strict Chin-ups (if performed easily move to:)
10 Strict Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)
10 Kipping Pull-ups (if performed easily move to:)
10 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
20 Rounds:
1 Power Clean (95/65)
5 Burpees
L4: 155/105
L3: 135/95
L2: Written
L1: 75/45, no target
Score: Time finished
Time cap: 15 mins
Barbell Ab Rollout 3×12
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