5/2/19 – Thursday
On 90sec clock for 7 rounds:
Row 250/200m, and then in remaining time ME wallballs (20/14)
Rest 60 secs
Lower the row distance if less than 5 WB per round
Goal is to maintain WB count to within 2-3 reps across the board
Score = wallball reps
3 Rounds at moderate pacing.
10 Strict pull-ups with 1 sec pause at top of the bar.
10 Front Squat (must be unbroken, from the floor)
10 Burpees over the bar (focus on heels hitting the floor on the landing)
All Levels: this is a low intensity finisher, increase the weight enough to where the last rep is tough but pretty. Bands if needed on Stricts. No rubber-necking on the pullups.
Score = FS Weight
Tabata: Plank Elbow-to-Hands
Scaling Option: Elbow Plank Hold
Recommended Stretching:
Twisted Cross
Seated Straddle