May 15 2019

May 15 2019


20 mins to warm up and find a 5RM Deadlift

Partner WOD:

“Farmer’s Carry Mile”

L1: 26/18 in each hand

L2: 35/26 in each hand

L3: 53/35 in each hand

L4: 70/53 in each hand

Partner A takes off running on a 400 meter loop. Partner B follows with farmers carry weight. When Partner A catches Partner B (who is clearly moving slower with all that extra weight), Partner A takes over the farmers carry, while Partner tries to catch back up to Partner A on the 400m loop.

Workout ends when the KBs have gone 1 mile.

Coaches will help mark out the 400m “loop” by setting up cones.


Tabata: Sit Ups

*Goal is to maintain the same number of sit ups across all intervals

Recommended Stretching:

Forearm Stretches

Legs on the Wall