April 16 2019

April 16 2019

A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)– Strength: Today we will be performing DB bench with a grip rotation. Grip will rotate from palms facing into palms facing out paired with iso-dynamic KB rows, which we’ll go over. Use 2 sets to work up to your desired weight for today then complete 5 sets of 8 with a minute of rest between sets.– Metcon: Today’s metcon should be performed around 80-85% intensity. Grip will become a factor early on. You should be able to complete the KBS in 3 sets or less.  Try to minimize rest when you put down the KBS. 18-minute time cap for this workout.

B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)AMRAP 7 at a slow pace:8 KB Swings (4 Russian + 4 American)8 Sprawls16 Banded pull-aparts16 Banded PushdownsThen,3-Way Banded Shoulder Lat Stretch x 30s each position.

C) Strength (15:00 – 35:00)1a) DB Bench Press w. a rotation: 5 x 8. Rest 30s.– neutral to pronated grip1b) Iso-dynamic KB Rows: 5 x 8 each. Rest 30s.

D) Metcon (35:00 – 55:00)For time:40 KBS (53, 35)20 Inverted Ring Rows30 KBS15 Inverted Ring Rows20 KBS10 Inverted Ring Rows10 KBS5 Inverted Ring Rows
Rx+:(70, 53)L2: (35, 26) (Ring Rows)L1: (35, 26 Russian Swings) (10 Ring Rows each round)18:00 Cap

E) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)Prone Rear Lateral Raise 21s: 3 x 7-7-7. Rest 60s.7 pronated grip + 7 neutral grip + 7 supinated grip
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