A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Strength: This is the final week of our banded push press work. Weights should be heavier but all sets should be fast/efficient.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon should challenge both the lungs and local muscle endurance. It’s likely your output will fall off on this one so having a solid strategy with all elements of this workout is important. Effort should be around 80%.
– Strength: This is the final week of our banded push press work. Weights should be heavier but all sets should be fast/efficient.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon should challenge both the lungs and local muscle endurance. It’s likely your output will fall off on this one so having a solid strategy with all elements of this workout is important. Effort should be around 80%.
B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)
Partner up and complete
18 Calories on the Assault Bike each at a moderate pace
50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow each
40 Medball Chest passes total
30 Shoulder Taps (each athlete)
20 Medball Chest Passes
10 Burpees (each)
50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow
Review Push Press + HSPU scaling
C) Strength (15:00 – 35:00)
1) Push Press: 6 x 2 @85% of 1RM, every 2:00.
– Beginner: 5 x 5. Rest 90s.
2) Metcon Prep:
HSPU – Make sure scaling is on point.
D) Metcon (35:00 – 55:00)
5 RFT:
18/15 Calories Bike
15 T2B
Rx+: (Strict HSPU)
L3: (HSPU to 1 Abmat)
L2: (90s Bike) (Knee Lifts) (Box Push-ups x 12 per rd)
L1: (90s Bike) (Abmat Sit-ups) (Box Push-ups x 8 per rd)
21:00 Cap
*Additional Options
400 Meter Run or 30/25 Calorie Row
E) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
KB Hammer Curls: 4 x 10. Rest 60s.
*Between sets complete 30 Banded Pull-aparts with an underhand grip.
Recommended Stretching: