A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Strength: Week 2 of Clean + Jerk/Back Squat work. Loading is heavier so all sets should be challenging.
– Metcon: This workout is intended to be done UB for Wallballs and touch-n-go sets for the deadlifts. These should be a moderate weight and allow you to maintain sets of 5 the entire workout.
– Strength: Week 2 of Clean + Jerk/Back Squat work. Loading is heavier so all sets should be challenging.
– Metcon: This workout is intended to be done UB for Wallballs and touch-n-go sets for the deadlifts. These should be a moderate weight and allow you to maintain sets of 5 the entire workout.
B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)
AMRAP 7 of:
5 Sumo Stance RDLs
5 Rev Lunges each leg
5 Good Mornings
5 Push Press
5 Single Leg Glute Bridge Each (1 count at top of each rep) (can use band or without) (can be done on floor)
On coaches call. Put bar down and reset between movements.
– 3 Power Cleans
– 3 Jerks
+ Repeat x 2 more times
C) Strength (15:00 – 45:00)
1) Power Clean + Jerk: 5 x 2 @75-80% of Last Monday, every 60s.
– Beginner: Work on technique with a light load for all sets.
2) Back Squat: 3 x 5 @80% of Last Monday for ALL sets. Rest 2:00
– Beginner: 3 x 8 @slightly heavier than last week for all sets.
D) Metcon (45:00 – 55:00)
”Fool in the Rain”
For time:
Wallballs (20, 14)
Deadlifts (225, 155)
”Fool in the Rain”
For time:
Wallballs (20, 14)
Deadlifts (225, 155)
Rx+:(275, 185) (30, 20# Medball)
L3: (185, 125)
L2: (14, 10) (155, 105)
L1: (10, 8) (135, 95)
10:00 Cap
E) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
KB March: AMRAP 5 max steps. Alternate sides with KB favoring your weaker side.
Coaches Notes
– Strength: Week 2 of Clean + Jerk/Back Squat work. Loading is heavier so all sets should be challenging. Keep in mind that these are ALL ”work sets” meaning we are not including ramp-up sets. Even still, there should be plenty of time to complete both clean and jerks and Back Squats today (our metcon is short today like last week.)
– Metcon: This workout is intended to be done with UB Wallballs and fast sets of touch n go deadlifts (7-10 reps per set.) Deadlifts should be a moderate weight that can be done in sets of 7-10 reps at a time. This workout should be done at a high-effort, around 90%.
– Strength: Week 2 of Clean + Jerk/Back Squat work. Loading is heavier so all sets should be challenging. Keep in mind that these are ALL ”work sets” meaning we are not including ramp-up sets. Even still, there should be plenty of time to complete both clean and jerks and Back Squats today (our metcon is short today like last week.)
– Metcon: This workout is intended to be done with UB Wallballs and fast sets of touch n go deadlifts (7-10 reps per set.) Deadlifts should be a moderate weight that can be done in sets of 7-10 reps at a time. This workout should be done at a high-effort, around 90%.