December 15 2018

December 15 2018


2018 Holiday Party:  Saturday December 15 6-9pm at Mission Gorge!  CLICK HERE for info

A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Field Day: Today you have the chance to perform the first 4 tests in an order you choose as well as an
AMRAP with a partner where each athlete completes a full round at a time. This should be high-effort
piece so go light so you can move fast. Keep track of the scores of all tests.

B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)
”Powerwalk Races”
Set your class up in rows as you would for a dynamic warmup. Coach calls ”3-2-1-go,” and each ”walker”
leaves their mark. They ”race” down and back and upon return they high-five the person behind them in
line, and that person takes off. Make sure you have your video equipment out for this one.
Then with the Remaining time of your 12 Minute Warm-up,
Dynamic Warm-up

C) Prep (15:00 – 25:00)
Review all tests + Warm-up/Set-up for AMRAP

D) Metcon (25:00 – 55:00)
5 Stations of:
1) Max Broad Jump x 3 Attempts
2) Max Burpees in 2 Minutes
3) Max Air Squats in 2 Minutes
4) Max Push-ups in 2 Minutes
5) AMRAP 8 with a partner of:
5 Calorie Bike
5 Power Snatch (95, 65)
5 OHS (95, 65)
*1 Athlete Completes a full round at a time.

L3: (75, 55)
L2: (65, 35)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Swing, Goblet Squat)

*Alternate Option
5 Cal Bike = 5 Cal Ski Erg OR 10 Cal Row OR 100m Run OR 10 Burpees

E) Biceps (55:00 – 60:00)
Barbell Curls: 2 x 30 w. empty bar. Rest 60s.