A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Skill: Today we’ll spend the first part of class working on Handstand Holds. Each interval you’ll spend
40s working and then the even minutes we’ll perform some accessory work for the back/triceps. This
40s of work does not need to be a hold for the entire 40s and can be broken up however you choose.
– Metcon: Today’s workout should be around 75% effort. The snatches/T2B will likely get your heart-rate
up so look to get your heart rate down on the rower with long strokes, smooth recovery.
– Skill: Today we’ll spend the first part of class working on Handstand Holds. Each interval you’ll spend
40s working and then the even minutes we’ll perform some accessory work for the back/triceps. This
40s of work does not need to be a hold for the entire 40s and can be broken up however you choose.
– Metcon: Today’s workout should be around 75% effort. The snatches/T2B will likely get your heart-rate
up so look to get your heart rate down on the rower with long strokes, smooth recovery.
B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)
Grab a barbell and PVC
Part #1 w. a band
Banded Snatch Warm-up
Part #2 w. an empty barbell
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Knee Lifts
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Kipping Knee lifts
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 T2B
C) Skill (15:00 – 30:00)
ODD Minutes: Handstand Hold x a total of 40s of work.
Rx+: (Free Standing Handstand Holds or Handstand Walking)
EVEN Minutes: 10 Double KB Bent-over Rows + 15 Banded Pushdowns
D) Metcon (30:00 – 55:00)
Row 500 Meters
15 T2B
15 Hang Power Snatch (75, 55)
Rx+:(95, 65) (5/3 Ring Muscle-ups after Hang Power Snatch)
L3: (65, 45)
L2: (Knee Lifts) (55, 35)
L1: (Abmat Sit-ups) (Russian KBS for Power Snatch 53, 35)
*Alternate Option: 400m Run or 90s Bike
E) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
Barbell Curls: 3 x 6 Reverse Curls + 6 Barbell Curls. Rest 60s.
*You’ll perform 6 Revere Curls (double overhand) then switch hands and perform 6 barbell curls
(supinated grip).
Barbell Curls: 3 x 6 Reverse Curls + 6 Barbell Curls. Rest 60s.
*You’ll perform 6 Revere Curls (double overhand) then switch hands and perform 6 barbell curls
(supinated grip).