November 19 2018

November 19 2018


A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Strength: Build to a max over the course of 8-10 sets. If you’ve performed this variation before use the
same band as you used last time.
– Metcon: New benchmark workout that should be done at near maximal effort. Squat Clean Thrusters
should be a challenging load. Effort should be around 90%.

B) Warm Up (3:00 – 15:00)
Grab a barbell and complete:
2 Rounds of:
8 Sumo Deadlifts
8 Front Squats
8 Squat Clean Thruster
10 Lateral Jumps over the Bar
10 X-Band Walks Left + Right
The remainder of the warm-up reviewing the finer points of the Sumo Deadlift & Squat Clean Thruster

C) Strength (15:00 – 40:00)
1) Sumo Deadlift against a band: Build to a 1RM. Rest 2:00
– Beginner: Sumo Deadlift: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits. Reset between each rep. Rest 2:00.

2) Metcon Prep: Work up to work weight for the Squat Clean Thruster performing sets of 1. Rest 60s.

D) Metcon (40:00 – 55:00)
”Thunder Struck”
For time:
21 Squat Clean Thrusters (155, 105)
42 Bar Facing Burpees

Rx+:(185, 125)
L3: (135, 95)
L3: (115, 75)
L1 Metcon:
For time:
30 Thrusters (95, 65)
30 Burpees
8:00 Time Cap

E) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
Banded Leg Curls: 3 x 30-40 each. No rest.