- LEFT COAST RUMBLE 2018 is announced! November 10 2018, CLICK HERE to register
A) WHITEBOARD BRIEF (0:00 – 3:00)
– Skill: We’ll spend the first part of class working on touch n go muscle snatches to refine your technique. These should be light/fast.
– Metcon:. If you’re sore from the last two days, don’t worry about your time today.
– Skill: We’ll spend the first part of class working on touch n go muscle snatches to refine your technique. These should be light/fast.
– Metcon:. If you’re sore from the last two days, don’t worry about your time today.
B) WARM UP/MOBILITY (3:00 – 12:00)
20 Single Unders + 20 DUs or Attempts
5 Muscle Snatch w. PVC + 10 PVC OHS
Run 100 Meters
20 Single Unders + 20 DUs or Attempts
5 Muscle Snatch w. PVC + 10 PVC OHS
Run 100 Meters
C) SKILL (15:00 – 25:00)
Touch n Go Muscle Snatch/Power Snatch: 3 x 6-8. Rest 60s.
*Between sets make sure your medballs, rowers, and jump ropes are good to go.
Touch n Go Muscle Snatch/Power Snatch: 3 x 6-8. Rest 60s.
*Between sets make sure your medballs, rowers, and jump ropes are good to go.
D) METCON (25:00 – 55:00)
Buy in: Row 1k
2 Rounds of:
30 Power Snatch (75, 55)
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
Cash-out: 200 Double Unders
L2: (65, 45) (14, 10)
L1: (55, 35) (10, 8)
30:00 Cap
Buy in: Row 1k
2 Rounds of:
30 Power Snatch (75, 55)
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
Cash-out: 200 Double Unders
L2: (65, 45) (14, 10)
L1: (55, 35) (10, 8)
30:00 Cap
E) EXTRA CREDIT (55:00 – 60:00)
5 Minutes of ”Recovery” easy rowing, bike, or light jog OR P. Breathing
5 Minutes of ”Recovery” easy rowing, bike, or light jog OR P. Breathing