- LEFT COAST RUMBLE 2018 is announced! November 10 2018, CLICK HERE to register
A) WHITEBOARD BRIEF (0:00 – 3:00)
– Strength: Final week of Speed Front Box Squats. Weights should be 5% heavier, but you should still be able to come off the box with speed.
– Metcon: Today’s workout should hurt and should be able to be done with UB KBS. Go light and fast!
– Strength: Final week of Speed Front Box Squats. Weights should be 5% heavier, but you should still be able to come off the box with speed.
– Metcon: Today’s workout should hurt and should be able to be done with UB KBS. Go light and fast!
B) WARM UP/MOBILITY (3:00 – 15:00)
8 Minutes of Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up
BP Dynamic Consists of:
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Inside Taps
Outside Taps
A Skip
B Skip
Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + thoracic rotation + toe point
Leg Swing opposite toe to opposite hand
Jumping Jack Shuffle (switch half way)
90 Degree Hip Rotation
5 Minutes of Front Box Squat Review with an empty barbell
8 Minutes of Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up
BP Dynamic Consists of:
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Inside Taps
Outside Taps
A Skip
B Skip
Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + thoracic rotation + toe point
Leg Swing opposite toe to opposite hand
Jumping Jack Shuffle (switch half way)
90 Degree Hip Rotation
5 Minutes of Front Box Squat Review with an empty barbell
C) STRENGTH (15:00 – 40:00)
1) EMOM 6: 3 Front Box Squats @70%, every 60s.
2) Metcon Warm-up
3 Russian Swings + 3 American Swings
4 (AFAP) Burpees
Rest 60s-90s.
1) EMOM 6: 3 Front Box Squats @70%, every 60s.
2) Metcon Warm-up
3 Russian Swings + 3 American Swings
4 (AFAP) Burpees
Rest 60s-90s.
D) METCON (40:00 – 50:00)
5 RFT:
12 KBS (53, 35)
12 Burpees
Rx+:(15 Reps per movement)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 25)
L1: (8 Reps per movement) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
8:00 Cap
5 RFT:
12 KBS (53, 35)
12 Burpees
Rx+:(15 Reps per movement)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 25)
L1: (8 Reps per movement) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
8:00 Cap
E) EXTRA CREDIT (55:00 – 60:00)
5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing
5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing