August 6 2018

August 6 2018


  • Olympic Lifting Seminar August 11th email to reserve your spot. 20 spots only!
  • Community Hike August 25th at Mission Trails CLICK HERE
A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Strength: Work to a max in the rack deadlift. In theory you should be able to pull more since the ROM is decreased. The purpose of the Rack DL is to work the top range of your deadlift and posterior chain.
– Metcon: Today’s piece is intended to challenge you as the movements are high-demand and the loading is relatively heavy for the prescribed volume. 90% effort on this piece.
B) Warm Up/Mobility (3:00 – 15:00)
5 Minutes of Dynamic Warm-up then,
With a barbell 3 sets:
3 Deadlifts from below knee
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Power Clean
3 RDLs
10 Total Birddogs in between sets.
Add weight each set.
C) Strength (15:00 – 35:00)
1) Conventional Rack Deadlift: 1RM. Rest 2:00
– Set so bar is just below your knees, use plates or rhode blocks to elevate
2) Power Clean + Front Squat: Work up to Metcon Weight
D) Metcon (35:00 – 45:00)
”Simple Man”
For time:
Power Cleans (155, 105)
Front Squat (155, 105)
L3: (135, 95)
L2: (115, 75)
L1: (95, 65)
9:00 Cap