- Community Hike August 25th at Mission Trails CLICK HERE
A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– GPP: Today’s work is a mix between GPP based and gymnastics. Overall, this work will challenge you, but should be fun and leave you feeling good after. Make sure you keep your elbows in front/ribs down with Front Rack Carries.
B) Warm Up/Mobility (3:00 – 15:00)
Foam Roll IT Band
Foam Roll Adductors
SMR Glutes (lax ball)
Bent-knee Iron Cross
Rollovers into V-sits
Rocking Frog stretch
Fire Hydrant circles
Mountain Climbers
Cossack Squats
Seated Piriformis stretch
Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor stretch
C) Metcon (15:00 – 55:00)
Row 500 Meters or Bike x 2:00
100 m Pec Walk with Medball (20/14)
20 Pushups
D) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
Class Wall Sit OFF
*Who can go the longest