April 2, 2018
SWOD (16 min)
Week 2
A. Snatch Balances 4×3 (Focus on technique not load, UNSCORED)
B. EMOM 10 min
Minutes 1-3: Snatch x 3
Minutes 4-6: Snatch x 2
Minutes 7-10: Snatch x 1
30 Sec Max Reps OHS …
SWOD (16 min)
Week 2
A. Snatch Balances 4×3 (Focus on technique not load, UNSCORED)
B. EMOM 10 min
Minutes 1-3: Snatch x 3
Minutes 4-6: Snatch x 2
Minutes 7-10: Snatch x 1
30 Sec Max Reps OHS …
External Oblique Opener 3 x 10 Pulseshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihlk3ki78M
SWOD: Week 7 Back Squat* (15 min)
Wendler Program Notes:
Determine your “base number”. Base number= 90% of your 1RM + 10lbs.
“+” denotes do that number of reps and then as …