- Sunrise Hike at Cowles Mountain Saturday October 21st CLICK HERE for details
- The 2017 CrossFit 858 Halloween Party is Saturday October 28th at Mission Gorge CLICK HERE for details
- Left Coast Rumble 2017 INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL CROSSFIT GYMS! click here to sign up
SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:
Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week 1/4
Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 0/4
Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 0/4
Phase 4
A1) Staggered Stance RDL (KB) 3 x 5 @ 3111 (5 each)
A2) Seated Explosive Box Jumps 3 x 3-5 *start sitting, land standing tall, step down
A3) Above the Knee Hang Snatch 3 x 3
Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
Wallballs (20/14)