SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:
Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week 4/4
Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 0/4
Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 0/4
Phase 4 (Testing)
Minutes 1,2,3: Power Clean x 3
Minutes 4,5,6: Power Clean x 2
Minutes 7,8,9: Power Clean x 1
Athlete’s choice of movement, can pick up to 2 movements:
-Assault Bike Calories
-Meter Row
-Sprawl Box Hops (20”)
1 Min Max Reps of the one movement
Rest as needed to make effort repeatable (up to 5 Minutes)
X 4 Sets
Score=total reps/cal or meters