- Saturday is the 2nd annual SDPD Officer JD DeGuzman Memorial WOD. It will take place at the Miramar location at 9am. Uptown and Mission Gorge will be closed.
SWOD 12 Week Roadmap:
Phase 1 (Tempo and Connective Tissue Strengthening) Week 2/4
Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 0/4
Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 0/4
Phase 4 (Testing)
EMOM 12:
1) Ring Dips x 5 @ 23X2
2) Band Pull-Aparts x 10-15
3) Strict Pull-Ups x 5 23X2
4) Sprint Warm-Up Drills (high knees, high skips, figure 4 butt kickers)
Every 4 Minutes x 4 Sets:
100m Sprint
10 Unbroken Russian KBS (70/53)
100m Sprint
Score= Slowest round