June 5 2017

June 5 2017


Upcoming Events:

  • Beach Day 2017 Sunday June 11th CLICK HERE
  • Left Coast Rumble: TEAMS is now on June 17th, 2017!  CLICK HERE
SWOD Cluster Phase Week 1/4: (24 Min)
A (Gymnastics volume-8 Min)
C2B Pull-Ups 6 sets x 5-10
Rest 1 Min
Notes: Pick one rep number that is sustainable. Scale to pull-ups, cross-over pull-ups, ring rows. Shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to do a set
B (Strength-16 Min)
Back Squat Cluster 3 sets x 4.4.4*
*rest 30 seconds between clusters
AMRAP 10 min:
Partner 1 performs 2 rounds of:
7 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
5 Toes to Bar
Meanwhile, while Partner 2 Rows for Max Calories.  Switch when Partner 1 is done their 2 rounds.
Score = calories rowed as a team