June 14 2017

June 14 2017


Upcoming Events:

  • Left Coast Rumble: TEAMS is now on June 17th, 2017!  CLICK HERE

SWOD: 20 Min
Snatch Complex 5-7 sets of: 1 Snatch Pull (w/ pauses at 1” off the ground, below the knee, above the knee, and high hang) +1 Snatch

WOD: (16 Min)
EMOM 16 (4 Times Through)
1) 10 Supinated Snatch Grip Bent-Over Rows
2) 10 Overhead Squats w/1 sec pause at the bottom (95/65)
3) 10 Ring Rows
4) 45 Second AB/Row Calories
*stagger start depending on equipment
Score= Rounds completed out of 16 rounds