June 13 2017

June 13 2017


Upcoming Events:

  • Left Coast Rumble: TEAMS is now on June 17th, 2017!  CLICK HERE
SWOD Cluster Phase Week 2/4: (27 Min)
A (Gymnastics volume-8 Min)
Handstand Push-Ups or Push-Press  6 sets x 5-10, Rest 50 seconds
*kipping HSPU if and only if you have at least 1 strict HSPU

B (Strength-19 Min)
Deadlift Cluster 4 sets x 3.3.3
*rest 30 seconds between clusters, Beat last week


WOD: (9 Min)
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Rounds:
5 Power Cleans
10 Burpee Box Overs (24/20)
Rx: 135/95
RxA: 185/125
Score=slowest round time