- 2017 Referral Program has been launched!
- 858 NonStop HIIT Classes have been launched! These classes are a part of your CrossFit 858 membership.
- If you know of anyone who just wants to do these classes, visit to sign them up for a free week trial.
- Left Coast Rumble: TEAMS is now on June 17th, 2017! CLICK HERE
Upcoming Events:
- Memorial Day Murph: Monday May 29th CLICK HERE
- Beach Day 2017 Sunday June 11th CLICK HERE
- NEW CLINIC: Mobility and Recovery Saturday June 17th CLICK HERE
SWOD Week 5/5: (30 Min)
A1) Deadlift: Work to a heavy set of 6
A2) Bench Press: Work to a heavy set of 6
*bounce back and forth warming them up, if you find the max for one of them, don’t worry about supersetting anymore and build the other
(Leave at least 10 Min for B1/B2)
B1) Deadlift 2 x 6 @ 85-90% of A1
B2) Bench Press 2 x 6 @ 80-85% of A2
WOD: (8 Min)
AMRAP 8 min:
8 Deadlifts (155/105)
48 Double Unders