- 2017 Referral Program has been launched!
- 858 NonStop HIIT Classes have been launched! These classes are a part of your CrossFit 858 membership.
- If you know of anyone who just wants to do these classes, visit to sign them up for a free week trial.
- Left Coast Rumble: TEAMS is now on June 17th, 2017! CLICK HERE
Upcoming Events:
- Memorial Day Murph: Monday May 29th CLICK HERE
- Beach Day 2017 Sunday June 11th CLICK HERE
- NEW CLINIC: Mobility and Recovery Saturday June 17th CLICK HERE
SWOD Week 5/5: (25 Min)
A1) Back Squat: Work to a heavy set of 6 (6RM)
A2) Weighted Pull-Ups: Work to a heavy double
*bounce back and forth warming them up, if you find the max for one of them, don’t worry about supersetting anymore and build the other
(Leave at least 8 Min for B1/B2)
B1) Back Squat 2 x 6 @ 90% of A1
B2) Weighted Pull-Ups 2 x 2 @ 80-90% of A2
WOD: (15-18 Min)
Every 3 Minutes x 4 Rounds:
4 Unbroken Hang Power Cleans
16 Wallballs (20/14)
4 Ring Muscle Ups
16 Russian KBS (53/35)
Rx: 155/105
RxA: 185/125
Score=Slowest Round