May 19 2017

May 19 2017


  • Left Coast Rumble TEAMS registration is open!! DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS MAY 19TH!  CLICK HERE
  • 2017 Referral Program has been launched!
  • 858 NonStop HIIT Classes have been launched!  These classes are a part of your CrossFit 858 membership.
    • If you know of anyone who just wants to do these classes, visit to sign them up for a free week trial.

Upcoming Events:

  • NEW CLINIC CrossFit for Longevity: How to set and reach long term goals Saturday May 20th CLICK HERE
  • Memorial Day Murph: Monday May 29th CLICK HERE
  • Beach Day 2017 Sunday June 11th CLICK HERE
  • NEW CLINIC: Mobility and Recovery Saturday June 17th CLICK HERE
SWOD Week 4/5: (30 Min)
A. Front Squat 4 x 6 @ 5-10 lbs heavier than last week or 79 -84%
B1. Strict Press 2-3 sets x 5-7  
B2. Bent-Over Double DB/KB Row 2-3 sets x 6-8
WOD: (6-9 Min Depending on heats)
650/500m Row
Max  Thrusters (135/95)

Programming Notes to Athletes: You are seeing an increase in rowing this week because as the linear progression is in its final weeks, we want to limit any extra knee flexion/extension and try to keep it as nonimpact as possible. Hence less running and less squatting in the wods.