- Nutrition Navigation (meal planning guidance) is launched! To read about our program and the launch contest where you can win discounted dues or FREE training, CLICK HERE
- Modified Saturday Schedule during the Open until 3/25/17:
- Mission Gorge: 9am start for the Open
- Uptown: 9am class, 10am Intro class AND foundations at the same time. No Open gym available.
- Miramar: 9am class, 10am ATG. At 10am also, intro class, 11am foundations. No Open gym available
- Congrats to our newest athlete of the quarter, Jose Marasigan!!
*If you are doing the Open and are training today, hit it with a lighter intensity, today is more about movement than power
SWOD: (20 Min)
5 Min to warm up
Every 75 Seconds x 10 Sets
A1) Back Squat 2-2-1-1-1 *Build
A2) Weighted Pull-Ups 5 x 3
WOD: (12 Min CAP)
4 Rounds:
5 Front Squats (135/95)
10 Toes to Bar
200m Run