February 8 2017

February 8 2017


  • Mental Prep Workshop with Dawn Fletcher.  FREE for members, but limited space.  CLICK HERE for details
  • Schedule changes for this weekend:
    • Saturday 2/11, no 8am class at Miramar, due to staff meeting
    • Saturday 2/11 no classes at Mission Gorge due to staff meeting then Mental Prep Workshop
    • Sunday 2/12 Open gym is moved to Uptown 10am-12pm.  We will be remodelling Mission Gorge!
  • Sign up for the 2017 CrossFit Open!  READ HERE

A. 5 Sets: Deadlift x 3 *Find a heavy triple, not necessarily 3rm

B1) Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 2-3 x 8-10 Each Side
B2) Strict Toes to Bar 2-3 x Max (at least 8 reps)

2 Rounds of the AMRAP, Rest 2 Min between Sets:
AMRAP 5 min:
30 Double Unders (60 singles)
15 Power Cleans (95/65)

Pick up where you left off, Score= total Rounds and Reps