February 14 2017

February 14 2017


  • Sign up for the 2017 CrossFit Open!  READ HERE

SWOD: (12 Min) If you have Muscle Ups:
EMOM 12 (3 times through)
Double Unders x 50
Muscle Ups x 3-5
8 Burpees
Muscle Ups x 3-5

FOCUSED SWOD(If you don’t have Muscle Ups):

EMOM 12 (4 times through)
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups x 5-7 *scale with strict pulling
Ring Dips x 5-7
50 Double Unders or 40 seconds of DU practice

WOD: (15 Min)
2 Rounds of:
20 Burpees over the Rower
Max Cal Row with time remaining

Rest 1 Min

20 Burpees over the Bar
Max Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) with time remaining

Rest 1 Min

Score=Total Cal and STO reps