- CrossFit 858 Holiday Part/Build a Bike Charity Event: Saturday December 17th 5pm! CLICK HERE
- Check In/Review contest: CLICK HERE
SWOD Modified Conjugate Week 8 Day 1 (28 min max)
A.) 18 min to find a heavy 3 rep Front Squat
B1.) Bench OR Floor Presses 3×10 (10min to complete B1+B2)
B2.) Bent over Reverse DB Flys OR Banded pull aparts 3 sets of 20
2 Sets, Rest 2 Min between sets, pick up where left off
AMRAP 5 min:
50 Double Unders (sub=100 singles)
30 Wallballs (20/14)
10 Unbroken Push Press (95/65)