December 23 2016

December 23 2016


SWOD 20 Min (5 warming up / 15 working)   

A1) Front Squat 3 x 8-10

A2) Kroc Rows 3 x 8-10 (unscored)

*3 WORKING sets, take a few warmup sets

**If you make it to 10 reps, add weight


Structure: MAP 6 (5on/2off x 2-4 sets)

3 Rounds with 2 Min rest between rounds:

AMRAP 5min @ 85-90% effort*:

400m Run

20 T2B

Max burpees in time remaining

*85-90% means work hard, but keep it aerobic (sustainable), i.e., constant smooth movement on burpees, don’t kill yourself each time