September 2 2016

September 2 2016


  • An Anniversary Message to All of CrossFit 858 from Coach Mark:  CLICK HERE
  • Programming note:  If you want to learn more about the “Pumping Iron SWOD”, read here:

    Also, YES, you can do both with the second SWOD at a later time, just not in the same session.  You dont’ have time for that.

SWOD: Week 2 Overhead Squats (16 min)

Overhead squat 5X5, , Start 1st set after you hit 65%, build to a heavy set of 5

Pumping Iron SWOD (Week 3, Day 2)*

A1) DB Press NEGATIVES (40X0=4 sec count down) 4 sets x 8 reps

A2) Barbell Front Raises 4×10

*use SugarWOD to note weight used for future weeks, note how you felt in terms of difficulty so you can make adjustments as needed


6 DB Squat Cleans (40/20)

100m w/KB in racked position (53/35 on one side)*

8 Alternating KB Snatches (53/35)

100m w/DB in overhead locked out position (40/20 on one side)*

*Change sides for each round

4 Rounds for time (20 min cap)