March 21 2016

March 21 2016


  • CrossFit Open 16.5
    • Friday Night lights at Miramar 6pm!
    • Saturday Open Session at Mission Gorge at 12pm!
  • CrossFit 858 now has THREE LOCATIONS!3locationsseethroughblackletters449x129

SWOD: Week 3 Back Squat* (15 min)

*If you don’t have a 1RM, find one, unless you are new (3×5 @moderate instead)


Wendler Program Notes:

Determine your “base number”.  Base number= 90% of your (1RM).

“+” denotes do that number of reps and then as many as you can until failure

Back Squat: 5,3,1

Set 1: 5 reps at 75% of base number

Set 2: 3 reps at 85% of base number

Set 3: 1+ reps at 95% of base number



Box Jumps w/Step down (24/20)*


Thrusters (135/95)

*Box Step Ups and Down are RX TOO, in prep for 16.5

(20 min cap)