- Register for the 2016 CrossFit Open CLICK HERE to learn more
- Friday Night Lights starts Friday, 6pm at Miramar!
- Saturday session starts at 12pm at Mission Gorge
- Mission Gorge: There is now a ladies only class added to Tuesdays at 930am!
Programming note: Due to the Open WODs being done on Fridays, we are shifting our conjugate programming to M, and W, with Oly being back on T for the next 5 weeks!
SWOD Modified Conjugate Week 8
EMOM 12 min: 2 FRONT Box Squats @ 68%
Burpee Broad Jumps (6’/4’, our mats and platforms are 6×4)
Russian KB Swings (70/53)
Front Squats (135/95)