- Kids Room is now available at the Mission Gorge location! CLICK HERE to read more
- New policy: For Porsha’s best use of time, please use Mindbody to RSVP for her services the night before!
- Want to potentially coach? Check out the CrossFit 858 Intern program CLICK HERE
- Programming Note: From the many 1 on 1 meetings I’ve had with you all, one of the biggest requests I received was “Help me get my first pull up”. For this, we are starting another cycle of “Focused SWODs”. For those of you who do not yet have 3 STRICT pullups, you are to continue on the Focused SWOD path-and stay with it. You are not to flip flop between the two paths. If you do have strict pullups, go the SWOD route. We will be doing more of this alternate path programming to help you reach your goals. The SWOD for the next few weeks will be focused on unilateral strength/posterior strength, applicable to pistols etc
SWOD (unscored)
A1) Bulgarian Split Squats w/KB or DB 4×20(10 each leg)
A2) Hip extensions 4×10
Focused SWOD (unscored)
A1) Pull-ups 4 x 10 @(30X0 tempo)
A2) Barbell rows 4×8
AMRAP 18 min
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
10 Front Squats (95/65)
10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
10 KB Hang Power Cleans (53/35)
10 KB Goblet Squats (53/35)
10 KB Goblet Lunges (53/35)
10 DB Hang Power Cleans (40/30)
10 DB Front Squats (40/30)
10 DB Front Rack Lunges (40/30)
(90 reps per round)