- FREE One on one coaching and programming is being offered and FREE Clinic for CrossFit 858 Veterans and Survey! CLICK HERE
- We now carry EXTREME ENDURANCE! CLICK HERE to learn more.
- Friday 8am Ladies only class is now a regular class! DUDES ARE WELCOME!
- Sunday KB class with Coach Betsey is now being moved to the 10am hour of Open gym for your convenience!
SWOD (25 min)
Back Squat: 1×6 @70%, 80%,1×3@ 90%, 95%
Front Squat: 1×5 @65%, 1×4@75%, 80%, 80%
Team WOD Teams of 3*
AMRAP 12 min
60 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
60 Burpees
60 DB Reverse Lunges (30/20)
*One person working at a time, other 2 must be in plank position